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3 Disadvantages of Divorce Law and How You Can Workaround It

When a husband and wife decide to separate, both can seek refuge from Australia’s Family Law Act 1975. This is the divorce law that allows them to legally severe ties. However, there are still so many disadvantages with it. Check out here some useful tips and find out how to deal with them.

Some of the notable hurdles that you would face with divorce are financial support and property distribution. These are only two of the things that you highly need to talk about with your lawyers in Sydney. To help out, let’s discuss them with deeper details.

  1. Parenting

Even if you’re separating with your husband or wife, both of you will always be parents. This is definitely something you need to deal with when it comes to divorce. The parenting arrangement must be tackled immediately to avoid any problems. This will constitute the child custody and child financial support.

In this matter, you need to take note of the child’s wellbeing. Establish a good routine where both of you will still be present in his life. Don’t forget that the children will get the most impact of the separation. Be careful when dealing with the possible change of location, health care, religion and many more things.

  1. Finance and Property

The next divorce law disadvantage is about your conjugal finance and properties. There are three things the family court could order to both of you about it. It can be to transfer or sell, payout one another or simply forego your rights. Normally, this is where most problems arise during the separation process.

When both parties can’t come to an agreement, the whole thing becomes chaotic. If ever this happens, you can always do something. First, ask an advice from your lawyers for divorce. He can then help you to either attend a dispute resolution or file for an enforcement order.

  1. Divorce Fee Cost

A divorce isn’t simply emotionally and physically draining, it’s also financially exhausting. The application alone already costs $800, and the fees will definitely add more to it. Now, that’s another headache that will add to your list of hurdles.

To counteract the large sum of the divorce law, you can apply for “reduced fee.” This refers to the government’s assistance to those couples who have financial difficulties. Both the parties will receive discounts on how much the overall case will be. To know more about it, you can discuss or ask how with your lawyer.

Going through divorce is a painful journey. But, to keep the process hassle-free, consult the experts. Contact

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